Therapy Ball Activities Fun Deck

Therapy Ball Activities Fun Deck Review


This deck of cards is essential for ever paediatric OT’s tool kit, resource teachers, and parents alike.

As an Occupational Therapist, I love this simple resource, once it is combined with a gym ball you have an array of activities that can address therapeutic goals such as, regulation, upper body and core strength, motor planning, visual perceptual skills and fine motor skills. This product is fantastic for therapists who work in a clinic, the community or across several locations as it so small and transportable. One of the main features of this activity deck is the picture description of how to complete the activity. The child can choose the card and describe what they are required to do. If the child’s verbal skills are limited it provides a visual representation of each chosen activity. Hence the activity deck can be used with children who have a wide range of skills and abilities.

This activity deck is a great resource that therapists can recommend to parents and teachers. Resource teachers report that they love these cards as they describe exactly how to use the gym ball. In the home setting, parents report that it is easy to complete these activities, as the whole family can participate and it is not a “programme” it is fun. What is unique about these cards for parents and teachers is that it provides tips at the back of the card on how to monitor the child’s engagement with the activity so that one’s posture, alignment and regulation is optimal. In addition to providing simple bullet points on the therapeutic benefits and the directions to complete the activity. On a practical note, the metal case is brilliant to store and protect these precious cards in a busy therapy department or a busy home.

This simple deck of cards presents many opportunities for fun combined with therapeutic benefits.


Product Review By

Áine O’ Dea Msc. Bsc. (Hons) OT; Paediatric Occupational Therapist


Where to Purchase?

Therapy Ball Activities Fun Deck is available to purchase from Sensational Kids Child Development & Learning Store

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