
Understanding and Using Spoken Language

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Understanding and Using Spoken Language: Games for 7 to 9 Year Olds by Catherine Delamain & Jill Spring

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Following on from the award-winning Speaking, Listening and Understanding (for children aged from 5 to 7 years), this collection of original games and activities is designed to help children aged from 7 to 9 years.

The exercises can be used by mainstream teachers with the relevant age group, as well as with older children with impaired or impoverished communication. In this instance, the activities would be especially effective if used by teachers and speech & language therapists working collaboratively. They would also be a useful tool for teachers and therapists in special schools and speech & language clinics.

Divided into two areas (Understanding Spoken Language and Using Spoken Language), each skill area is organised along broad developmental lines, and the activities can be easily incorporated into the daily classroom programme. Instructions are clear and simple, and the activities are designed for whole classes or smaller groups and can be carried out by teachers, speech & language therapists, classroom assistants or volunteers. Equipment is kept to a minimum, and the book provides the majority of the resources as photocopiable pages, including many illustrations.


  • Preface and Introduction
  • How to Use this Book
  • Receptive Language Activities
  • Expressive Language Activities
  • Activity Resources
  • Optional Record Sheets 

Suggested Readership:

  • Teachers
  • Speech & Language Therapists
  • Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators
  • Literacy Advisors working with 7 to 9 year olds 

About the Authors:

Catherine Delamain has forty years’ experience of working with young children. She is currently collaborating in the design of a training programme to help mainstream teachers meet the needs of pupils with speech and language difficulties. Jill Spring is a Senior Clinician, specialising in speech and language difficulties in children, and the impact of those difficulties on their learning. She is actively involved in providing training for teachers, classroom assistants, health visitors, and those involved in nursery education.


Games for 7 to 9 Year Old

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