Matthew’s Story

Our little Matthew arrived to Sensational Kids in September 2021. At that time he was nonverbal, distracted and a very unregulated little boy. Our hearts were broken with worry. However, over the last two years due to the dedicated team of experts in Sensational Kids, Matthew is now focused, regulated and semi-verbal. He is enjoying mainstream school with his SNA and making new little friends every day. Only last week Matthew won ‘Pupil of the Week’ for his participation in class, especially his singing, and tonight Matthew wrote down letters from the alphabet for his parents. We are beyond joyful.

We know that Matthew has made this significant progress due to the expertise, patience and consistent dedication of Dana and her team in Sensational Kids.

We feel confident now that Matthew’s future is bright and sensational Kids have been a significant contributor in his success.

We are extremely fortunate we found Sensational Kids for our son and we will be eternally grateful to them.


Regards Matthew’s parents.