Our Wish List:

There are many practical ways you can lend your support to our non-profit child development centres to make a difference to the lives of children with additonal needs. Here are some items which we currently need. If you would like to contribute towards funding any of these items please get in touch us by emailing Karen@sensationalkids.ie

Kildare Centre:

Therapeutic Listening Music €156

3 Therapeutic Listening Music Chips to complete our therapeutic listening resources €156

Mats for Hippotherapy €186

Mats needed for occupational therapy room at Jag Equestrian

Therapeutic Listening Headphones €200

1 set of therapeutic listening headphones €200

Specialist Play Therapy Books €288

Margot Sunderland therapeutic stories written for children to cover everything from death anxiety, depressed parent, the child that is treated as the rubbish bin , anger etc.  One example is the “day the sea went out and never came back”

Set of 12 €288.00 for 12 coloured story book plus 12 work books.

Play Therapy Room €750

Storage and Equipment needed to improve the quality of toys and shelving in play therapy


LED Lighting €6,129

€6,129 to replace fluorescent lighting with LED lights

New Building €1.75 million

Funding of site and new building €1.75 million

Clonakilty Centre

Therapeutic Listening Headphones €400

Two sets of therapeutic listening headphones at €200 each

Therapeutic Listening Music Library €900

Full therapeutic listening music library

Repairs to air conditioning €712

To repair air conditioning motor

Mayo Centre

€30,000 to fit out remaining first floor with two additional therapy rooms

€40,000 to fit out second floor with second gym space and additional therapy rooms