Elaine Baldwin, Paediatric Senior Speech & Language Therapist at Sensational Kids, West Cork

Elaine joined our team at Sensational Kids having graduated with an honours degree in speech & language therapy from University College Cork in 2012. Elaine has experience in the provision of individual and group therapy and assessments to children of all ages and all abilites. She has worked with children up to aged 18 years with varying needs including intellectual disability, developmental delay and Autistic Spectrum Disorders.

Recently Elaine has undertaken Auditory Verbal Therapy Training,Part 1 Working Through Audition, an RCSLT Approved & AG Bell Academy accredited six days of training with an LSLS Certified Auditory Verbal Therapist® to provide specialist speech & language therapy training to children with hearing loss using the techniques of auditory verbal therapy.

Following her graduation, Elaine worked with The Brothers of Charity also spent 9 months as a home tutor to a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. During this time she facilitated and conducted Hanen training programs that equip parents with valuable strategies to support and enhance their children’s language development. She also attained further qualifications in dysphagia (feeding, eating, drinking and swallowing disorders) and completed all supervised placement hours on site.

She continues to work closely with children’s families as part of multidisciplinary team intervention and collaboratively sets goals and develops treatment plans.


Elaine has experience in the provision of therapy in the following areas:

  1. Language: receptive, expressive and social use of language
  2. Phonology (speech sounds)
  3. Augmentative  communication systems e.g. Lámh, picture systems such as PECS
  4. Eating, Drinking & Swallowing
  5. Voice
  6. Fluency
  7. Specialised therapy using techniques and principles of auditory verbal therapy for children with hearing loss


Professional Memberships

Member of IASLT ( Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists)

CORU (organisation for regulating health and social care professionals)


Continuous Professional Development Courses Completed

Elaine is dedicated to continuing her professional development and has attended numerous training days including:


Six Steps to Success with Grace App, 2021

ADOS 2 Clinical Training for Clinicians, Run by Trinity College Dublin, Presented by Professor Louise Gallagher, Chair of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, November 2020

School Age Stuttering – Presented by Patty Walton October 2020

Preschool Age Stuttering –  Presented by Patty Walton September 2020

Developmental language intervention in the context of relationships  (NUIG, November 2019)

Therapeutic Listening – Listening With The Whole Body
A Two Day Workshop Presented By Sheila Frick OTR/L 2019

Developmental Language Disorder Webinar (IASLT) March 2019

Designated Liaison Person Training November 2018

An Introduction to Assessing & Teaching Social Skills, presented by Alex Kelly & Amy Green, November 2018

Solution focused brief therapy November 2018

The Lidcombe Program of Early Stuttering Intervention ( February 2018)

DIR/Floortime; The action is in the interaction! Developmental, Individual differences, Relationship based model; Integrating the neurological and emotional development of the child. Presented by MARI CAULFIELD Speech & Language Therapist, KATHY WALMSLEY Occupational Therapist & DR. BARBARA KALMANSON, Clinical Psychologist & Special Educator-Guest (March 2017)

Outcome Framework & Goal Attainment Scaling Workshop presented by Dr.Sidney Chu (March 2017)

Auditory Verbal Therapy Training,Part 1 Working Through Audition, RCSLT Approved & AG Bell Academy Accredited six days of training with an LSLS Certified Auditory Verbal Therapist® spread over six months,  Hosted by Auditory Verbal UK September 2015 – March 2016

Auditory Brain Development The Foundation of Listening, Language and Literacy for Children with Hearing Loss, Presented by Carol Flexer 2015

Techniques and Strategies to overcome Executive Functioning Deficit, Presented by  Áine O’Dea MSc. (Clinical Therapy) BSc. (Hons) OT and Sara Collins Senior Clinical Psychologist 2015

Bubble Skool Software for Visual Learners Presentation by Nuala Kelly 2015

Autism & Visual Strategies, Social Communication & Autism, and Promoting Positive Behaviour in Autism, Autism & Sensory Processing Disorder, Presented by Middletown Centre For Autism 2015

Grace App For Autism Workshop, Presented by Lisa Domican, 2015

Assessing and Teaching Social Skills, Presented by Alex Kelly & Amy Green 2015

Handwriting Without Tears (October 2014)

Self -Regulation and Co-Regulation. An Introduction to Sensory Attachment Intervention (October 2014)

Treating Sensory Modulation Disorders, The S.T.E.P.S.I – A Clinical Reasoning Tool (September 2014)

Clinical Assessment of Sensory Integration Difficulties in Adolescents and Adults with Disabilities (June 2014)

Essentials of Praxis Intervention for Children with Autism Workshop June 2014

Post-basic dysphagia qualification attained April 2014 (Manchester Post Basic Dysphagia Course)

Sensory Processing Disorder (June 2013)

Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) (May 2013)

Social Stories (May 2013)

Spoiled for Choice and Sound Reasoning, Caroline Bowen (April 2013)

Hanen – It Takes Two To Talk (October 2012)

LAMH Module 1 (2009)


Testimonials from our customer survey 2016

“Without Sensational Kids my son would still have issues with his speech”

“Our child was non verbal and now thanks to the team here he can now talk to us”

“Starting to talk more and learn new things and words”

“Speech & communication skills are developing”


Speech & Language Therapy Appointments

To make an appointment for speech & language therapy for your child  Sensational Kids, Clonakilty just phone us on 023 887 8208