
The Curious Dragons Game Set

Original price was: €35.00.Current price is: €22.50.

Introducing maths has never been so easy or fun.

Learn maths the fun way with super cute Tan, Deci & Poly!

It aims to nurture and develop their numerical and reasoning abilities through both play and fun.

The games contain everything from counting cards, dragon eggs, game boards to a egg spinner for endless educational fun and learning!

Each game in this box is based on the Singapore Maths method, the most successful in the world!

The games have been designed to build on each other to provide progressive learning for children.

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The Curious Dragons provides a fun set of learning games for children aged 3-5 to nurture and develop their numerical and reasoning abilities.

It gives parents and teachers an interactive learning system at their fingertips and helps children to learn maths and also instil a love of maths which may last a lifetime.



Board Games Set

The aim of The Curious Dragons is to unlock every child’s maths potential, through a series of carefully designed games that build on each other.

Using this box will help any child to learn the concepts of numbers and counting while having fun. Introducing maths has never been easier!

Counting with understanding – The Curious Dragons utilises the highly successful Singapore Maths method, which focuses on the ‘Touch it!, Visualise it!, Symbolise it!, approach to learning maths.

  • Touch It! – Role play with real objects
  • Visualise It! – Translating real objects into images, diagrams and pictures
  • Symbolise It! – Using mathematical symbols to solve problems

-40 dragon eggs
6 game boards
-58 counting cards
-1 spinner


  • Stickers Book Set

Number Sense, Shapes & Measures and Adding & Subtracting

Inspired By The World Renowned Singapore Maths Method – Uses 3 Staged Approach To Learning

Each Book 24 Pages & Over 100 Stickers.


Suitable For Ages 3 to 6


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Game Set, Stickers Book Set

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