Supporting Children with English as an Additional Language provides educators with practical ideas and strategies for using the creative arts to support the communication and language development of children learning English as an additional language (EAL) in early years settings.
The book aims to boost educators’ confidence in their ability to support children who are new to English, offering a range of activities that focus on the creative arts. These activities help children develop their language and communication skills through play, making the learning process engaging and enjoyable.
Presented in an easy-to-access format, the activities are designed for educators to dip into and return to as an ongoing resource throughout the early years.
The activities include:
- Singing – Encouraging children to join in with repeated refrains and familiar words as their language develops.
- Listening and Music – Helping children distinguish between sounds, communicate non-verbally, and build confidence.
- Visual Art – Enabling all children to express themselves creatively, regardless of language skills.
- Movement and Drama Games (using props and puppets) – Supporting children in developing beyond language barriers.
This resource also references Australia’s National Quality Framework (ACECQA, 2017), ensuring alignment with key early childhood standards.